Earthbound Martian proudly presents the Wake Drive Community Food Pantry!
We here at Earthbound Martian have always been strongly focused on giving back to our community and the promotion of mutual aid. We feel that hunger can be solved through proper logistics and direct action rather than just throwing money at the problem and hoping for a solution. Therefore, Earthbound Martian in conjunction with the Vermin Supreme Institute is sponsoring the Wake Drive Community Food Pantry.
What is the Wake Drive Community Food Pantry? Simply put, it is a micro-food pantry that is hosted out of the garage in our headquarters in Richardson, TX. Our neighbors pitch in with donations of supplies, food, toys, and even cash to help ensure that the shelves remain full at all times with things that people need to ensure a healthy and comfortable quality of life. We ask no questions, we don't "pre-qualify" people, and we don't pass judgement.
The pantry is open every 1st, 3th, and 5th Sunday from noon till 6pm. We have been operating this as a pilot program since March 2021 and as November 2021, we are ready to make this an official and permanent part of Earthbound Martian's mission. We would also like to expand this to other neighborhoods across the country, so if you like this idea and want to do something like it in your area, let us know and we'll get you hooked up!
If you would like to contribute to the Wake Drive Community Food Pantry, send us a message at pantry@earthboundmartian.com.